Friday, June 1, 2012

Luka Magnotta On YouTube - Confirming His Identity As serialserialkiller

These are a few YouTube identities of Luka Magnotta, in succession of each being banned. When he was banned as one ID then he'd assume a new one  The comments on YouTuber kkg108's page are an interesting read, and pretty much confirm for me, as I've been researching Luka across the web, that this is Luka:

serialserialkiller currently active

RealLifeOmen (banned)

RedRipperDead (banned)

IlluminatiCannibal (banned)

Post that tip toward these identities being Luka:

On serialserialkiller's YouTube upload list, there's a video tribute to Ted Bundy with the title "2 Girls 1 Bat," a title with structural similarity to Luka's murder video entitled "1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick."

I think it's pretty conclusive that serialserialkiller is Luka Magnotta, that he plans to kill again and again and again as is exemplified by his worship of serial killers, and that he idolizes the most brutal of serial killers.  His fascination with the Moor Murders seems to point to an interest in killing children, and I do hope that Interpol finds him before he gets the chance to do this.

One thing I've found is that there's a large clique of serial killer worshipers on YouTube. This leaves to question whether or not Luka actually set up a videocast of the May murder for an internet audience, who watched as he acted out his gruesome fantasy, who knew about the murder days before the "1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick" video showed up at Best Gore..  It is possible.

Background track to the video currently up on serialserialkiller's profile:

Furious Angels
Rob Dougan

Like a sentence of death,
I got no options left,
I've got nothing to show now.

I'm down on the ground,
I've got seconds to live,
and you cannot go now.

'Cause love, like invisible bullet shot me down
and I'm bleeding, yeah I'm bleeding
and if you go, furious angels will bring you back to me.
They will bring you back to me.

You're a dirty needle,
you're in my blood and there's no cure in me, yeah.
I wanna run, like the blood from a wound
to a place you can't see me.
'Cause love, like a blow to the head has left me stunned
and I'm reeling, yeah I'm reeling
and if you go, furious angels will bring you back to me.

You're a cold piece of steel between my ribs
and there's no saving me, yeah.
And I can't get up,
from this wet crimson bed that you made for me.
That you made for me!
'Cause love like a knife in the back has cut me down
and I'm bleeding, yeah I'm bleeding,
and if you go, angels will run to defend me, to defend me.

'Cause I can't get up, I'm as cold as a stone,
I can feel the life fade from me.
I'm down on the ground, I've got second to live,
and what's that waits for me, oh that waits for me!
'Cause love like a sentence of death, left me stunned,
and I'm reeling, yeah I'm reeling,
and if you go, furious angels will bring you back to me.

1 comment:

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